I eventually woke up from my sleep because I felt a little hand on my chest. I looked down and Abby was looking up at me. I stroked her little face and kissed her forehead. She held her arms up to be picked up so I picked her up and held her above my bump.Your awake Sarah said chuckling. I am now I said chuckling. Jake is still asleep Topanga said chuckling. Yep I said chuckling. Abby decided to grab her dadas nose and that woke him up.
Huh he mumbled. And he's alive jack said chuckling. Abby let go giggling. That's one way to wake dada up Shannon said chuckling. Jake stretch's and woke up a bit more. Before he tickled Abby for waking him up. You two slept for about an hour and a half you know that Topanga said chuckling.
Really I said. Yeah it's like 5:30 now Paris said chuckling. Ok then Jake said chuckling. Mama I gotta go potty Abby said.
Ok come on I said getting up with her in my arms and walked out of the room to the bathroom in the hall. We walked in and I shut and locked the door behind me. I pulled down her underwear and then sat her on the toilet and let her do her business.
I waited until she was done then I cleaned her up and sat her on the floor and pulled up her underwear. When they were up I helped her flush the toilet and I held her in my arms and washed both our hands. When they were clean little miss decided to splash in the water.
Hey you what are you doing cheeky girl I said chuckling. Fun she said giggling. Yeah is it fun missy moo I said chuckling tickling her belly. Uh huh she said giggling.
I let her have her fun for a few minutes then I decided it was enough and turned the water off. I dried her little hands and put her down then I dried mine and wiped the counter and the mirror.
When I was done Abby was waiting at the door so I opened it and we both walked out. She waited for me and I decided to go put some laundry on so I said come on and she grabbed my hand and walked with me to the Landry room.
I got her to help me put some laundry on and we were doing hers. When it was all in I helped her put in the detergent and she closed the door. I showed her what button to push and She pushed it. Good job big girl doing your own laundry said and she said yay and clapping.
Let's go I said and she grabbed my hand and we walked back to the movie room after we grabbed a water. We walked in and she ran up to dads to pick her up. I sat down next to them and she said dada I put my own laundry in.
Oh did you now Jake said chuckling. Yeah she did she even pressed the button I said chuckling. Oh big girl can finally reach the button huh Jake said chuckling.
Uh huh she said giggling. What button Hannah said. The one on the washing machine she just realised she can reach it now I said chuckling. Did you put washing on Shannon said. Yeah all Abbys I said. You finally done with hers for now Paris said. Yeah for now I said chuckling.
What does that mean Darby said. Toddlers go through a lot of clothes especially when there potty training and eating and it ends up all over Topanga said. Exactly I said. Oh she said.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.