When we were all in the hallway maya grabbed Abbys hand so she didn't get smooshed seeing as there was quiet a few of us. We walked to Shannon and Demi's door and Sarah poked her head in to make sure it was safe and once she was sure she let us in.We walked in and they were fast asleep cuddled together under the covers. Of course Paris said chuckling. Maya put Abby on the bed better then and let her go nuts jumping because we were all around the bed.
They both groaned and woke up so confused. What the heck Shannon said. Abby wanted to wake you today maya said chuckling. You are lucky you are cute child Demi said chuckling. Abby was giggling and tackled her auntie Shannon in a hug.
Geez you a hyper today missy moo Shannon said chuckling. She woke up full of energy today maya said chuckling. She gave Demi a cuddle and played with Demi's fingers. What time is it anyway Paris said. It's 10:30 mom said.
You getting up Sarah said. Yeah Shannon said and they sat up and Abby jumped into her fathers arms knowing maya couldn't catch her and we started walking out of the room slowly.
They got out of bed and grabbed there glasses and caught up to us. When we were all out of the room dad said who we missing. Farkle and smackle Lucas said. No we're up Smackle said as they walked out of there room. Well that takes care of that problem I said chuckling.
Let's go get breakfast mom said chuckling. We walked out of the hallway and into the kitchen and sat down. Mom started making smoothie bowls for breakfast seeing as it was pretty hot already.
She put spinach, avocado, mango, strawberries, blueberries, and coconut milk in the blender and blended it all together. When it was all blended she poured it into bowls and but more blueberries and strawberries on top and gave us all a bowl.
This looks good dad said. This is mostly because we're out of food mom said chuckling. Yeah we need to go shopping today Shannon said chuckling. It's good though Lucas said. The doorbell rang and dad got up and answered it and it was just the girls and yogi so he let them in.
They came over and yogi said what are you eating. It's a smoothie bowl good for a hot day Jake said. Mom offered them some and they all wanted some so she gave them what was left. Here you are enjoy mom said. This is good Hannah said. Literally a smoothie in a bowl and I don't hate it Darby said chuckling.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.