Shush smackle said chuckling to maya. Ok let clean up mom said and we all did and put the dishes in the dishwasher and maya wiped Abbys face clean because it was covered in chocolate and snot.When we were all done mom said right now let's go get ready for the day. We all walked back to the bedrooms and joey had her arms wrapped around my waist while we were walking.
We walked back into our room and I shut and locked the door behind us and turned around in her arms. Why you so cuddly today not that I don't love it I said smiling.
I just love cuddling my woman she said smiling cupping my face and leaned in to kiss me. We were started making out and I had my arms around her neck and my hands tangled in her hair and her hands were on my butt.
She picked me up and carried me over to the bed and put me down as the door open but we didn't even notice seeing as we were busy. Someone hit us with a pillow and we jumped an broke apart.
Uh hi I said blushing because Hannah, Darby, Kelly and yogi were in the room. Hi they said. We just got here and we didn't know where everyone was Darby said. Everyone's getting ready just go wait in the living room I said.
Ok she said and got everyone out of the room and we relocked the door and went back to what we were doing for a second. When we ran out of breath we broke apart and laid there for a few seconds.
We should probably shower before someone else walks in on us Joey said chuckling. Yeah probably a good idea I said chuckling and we got up and walked into the bathroom. We locked the door behind us and got undressed and hopped into the shower.
We washed our bodies and our hair and we were done so we hoped out and dried off. Once we were dried off we started getting dressed. We both put on boxers and a sports bra and shorts and a t-shirt.
Once we were all dressed we started on our skin care. We washed our faces and moisturised our skin and put sunscreen on all over just incase we go outside today. When we were done we brushed our teeth and did all our dental hygiene.
After we were finished we started on our hair we brushed it out and joey put hers in a braid and so did I except I did two she did one. Once we were done with our hair we were finished getting ready so we walked out of the bathroom and decided to chill on our bed for a bit.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.