The water finally boiled but we couldn't carry it. The boys tried and failed. Dwayne me and Sarah yelled. Yo what he said sticking his head in the room. Can you do us a favour and carry this in Maya's bathroom so she can give Abby a bath Sarah said. Of course is it hot he said.Yeah so be careful I said. Got it he said picking it up with towels and walked into my bedroom and into the bathroom with it and me and Jake followed. He had turned the cold water on first and then pour in the hot to cool it down.
There you go that good right he said and Jake checked. Yeah that's about right he said. Ok I'll go put this back and see if I can keep figuring out what's going on he said leaving and Jake locked the bedroom door behind him just because Abby wasn't gonna have clothes on he put her soap in while I started undressing her.
When she was booty naked and Jake put enough soap in I sat her in the tub. Jake pushed over my seat so I could sit down while I gave her a bath. I washed her little body making sure she was clean and not stinky and I washed her hair because we all sweat today so I know she did.
I wiped her face clean from sweat and she was done. Now that she's nice and clean I let her play for a little bit until she got over it. She started fussing and lifted her arms up. Are we done baby I said grabbing a towel. She shook her head yes.
Ok come here bug I said pulling the plug and picking her up. I dried her little body and she was definitely sleepy and ready to nurse and go to bed so I tried to make it quick. I put a pull-up diaper on her and moisturised her little body giving her a relaxing massage to help her relax and then I started getting her dressed. I put on her t-shirt and her shorts and she fussed.
Oh we're tired and ready for bed huh baby I said picking her up and sitting her on my hip. We walked out Jake sat up. I sat on the bed with her and she was wanting to nurse so I got myself ready and helped her latch on. When she was happily nursing she calmed down and relaxed more.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.