When Shannon and Demi got over to us we all walked out of the room. Where's maya Shannon said. Her allergies are going nuts again Sarah said. That explains it Shannon said.Really Lucas said. It happens every year they come and go all year sometimes she's not feeling the best it's normal nothing out of the ordinary as long as she takes some medication she'll be good to go in a little bit Shannon said.
Plus her being pregnant just make her feel worse because she's tired and nauseous already so if she falls asleep a few times today you know why Paris said.
Yeah she probably doesn't even wanna get out of bed Shannon said going into her room to check on her sister and Farkle already woke up because we're noisy so he came out of his room and walked over to us.
Shannon came back out and mom said well. Maya and Jake walked out and she looked tired. Ok let's go make some breakfast mom said and we walked to the kitchen. We sat down and she started cooking and Shannon make a smoothie.
She put carrots, tangerines's, orange juice, chia seeds, plan coconut milk, dates, cinnamon, ginger, vanilla, and coconut oil and blended it then poured it in a glass and gave it to maya.
Why does she get a smoothie Zay said. It's an immunity booster it's to make her feel better Shannon said. She gave us all the rest and we drank it as mom made a vanilla protein muesli bowl.
She put vanilla oat milk, rolled oats, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, raw chocolate, cacao nibs, and toasted coconut. She she finished making it she gave it to us and we all started eating.
Oh this is good Lucas said. Uh huh Farkle said and they were stuffing there faces. Slow down before you hurt yourself's Demi said chuckling. Yeah that's not happening with these three trust me I said chuckling.
There was a knock at the door so dad got up to answer it and it was Hannah, Darby, Kelly and yogi so he let them in. Hey we early are we Kelly said. We all just woke up it's late but it's better then it being noon mom said giving them some as they sat down.
Oh this looks good Hannah said. Taste even better ask the boys Sarah said chuckling because there's was half gone.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.