Once we were all out of the car and we had everything we found somewhere to relax and set up a picnic blanket for us to sit on. We had to use about four for us all to fit but it worked out. Who wants to play some football Cory said.Me almost everyone said and got up. I was sat with Darby Hannah and Kelly everyone else was playing. You not playing Darby said. I can't and I have to keep and eye on this one why aren't you guys playing I said.
We don't really have the best shoes for running Hannah said because they had in flip flops. Fair enough but you could of asked back at the house we could of given you shoes if you wanted I said.
Well we know that now for next time Kelly said. Mama Abby said handing me a little packet of gold fish from her diaper bag. How can she possibly be hungry alright Kelly said.
She's not she's just getting my attention I said putting them back away and giving her water instead and she was happy. Ok then but why Darby said.
She's one she may be pretty smart for a one year old but she also doesn't know how to say some things just because she's a bit advanced for her age doesn't mean she doesn't act her age I said. What do you mean by advanced Hannah said.
Well she knows a lot more words the the normal one year old and she knows how to have a conversation in her own little way but she doesn't always know how to say when something is wrong or to control her emotions if my little sisters her aunties do something she doesn't like she will hit or scream or bite as her parent it's my job to teach her that it's naughty to do those thing I said.
Does that happen all the time Kelly said. No thankfully it does not she's pretty well behaved just very cheeky doesn't mean she hasn't had her fair share of temper tantrum's though asked anyone of them they'll agree I said.
Good to know Hannah said. Is it hard being a parent Darby said. Yes but it's worth it when you see these little faces smiling I said. Abby came and crawled into my lap and cuddled me. Also this is worth it I said picking her up so she could lay on my chest and get cozy.
The cuddles Hannah said. The best thing ever I said stroking her back and she laid her head in my shoulder and looked very sleepy. That face Darby said. Is that a good thing about being a parent Kelly said.
Yes definitely seeing the little sleepy faces are some of the best things same with hearing them giggle and acting hyper it might be annoying but there you're kid they got it from you I said. Really Hannah said.
Yeah you get the little random things you do from your parents or another family member a sibling an aunt or uncle grandparents cousins you are all so much alike you just have to realise it I said. Good to know Darby said.
Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.