We all helped out and it slowly started to calm down and it was less crazy so most of us could sit down though Shannon, Sarah, Demi, Paris, Kelli, Riley and joey were still helping out.I had to sit down because my feet were hurting and I had a toddler on my hip that needed to use the bathroom so I had to do that first before I could even sit. When she was done with her business I did my own and flushed I pulled up both our underwear's and washed both our hands.
She was playing with the water. Hey you cheeky little monkey you're getting mama wet I said chuckling. Sorry mama she said giggling and wiped her wet hands on my face.
You cheeky little thing I said chuckling flicking some water in her own face and turned it off. I dried both our hands while she was giggling that I splashed her back. We walked out of the bathroom and she wanted to walk so I made her hold my hand.
We walked back to the seats and I sat her in the seat next to me and she played the iPad with Auggie. They share Hannah said. Yeah they do now it's good for both of them then they learn to share in general and learn to take turns I said.
Does Abby not have her own iPad Darby said. She had an iPad but we don't let her play with it all day long it's just for plane rides and long car rides and the occasional we need her to do sometimes and be occupied while we shower Jake said.
So you don't let her be in it all day everyday Kelly said. No it's not healthy to be looking at a screen all day that's how you can end up needing glasses I said. Is that why you have glasses Hannah said.
No I have glasses because of a genetic thing that runs on my family which she has a 50-50 chance of getting its normal I said. Does Sarah have the same reason Darby said. Yeah so does Shannon it's genetic it's normal to us I said. Ok then Kelly said.
I grabbed my water and had a drink and Abby wanted some so I gave her a drink. How do you get her to want water Lucas said. I don't she just seeing me drinking it and wants it, it's a toddler thing they always want what someone else has I said. She was done and pushed my hand away so I drank the rest and put it down.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.