Once we were back in our bedroom with Abby Jake locked the door behind us. She just wanted to play with all her toys so we let her go nuts hoping she would wear herself out so she would take a nap even a 20 minute nap we would take it.Once the door was locked Jake came over to me. How's my girl he said kissing my head. I'm ok tired because two little people decided to move all night long I said chuckling.
Yeah I know that pretty sure they were kicking me two at one point he said chuckling. They couldn't get comfy I guess I said chuckling. We went and sat on the bed for a bit while Abby played with her toys.
You having fun there missy moo I said chuckling. Yeah she said. She's so hyper after being so sick yesterday I don't get it Jake said chuckling. Maybe it's all her bottled up energy from sleeping most of the day yesterday she is little after all she can't contain it I said chuckling at her handing me a stuffy.
Up she said with her arms up. Oh come here I said and picked her up. I whipped her nose with tissue not wanting a snotty nose all over me and she cuddled in between the both of us and played with her stuffy. Oh we have lamby lamb Jake said.
Yeah she said being goofy. Is lamby gonna give you kisses I said making like her toy was kissing her and it was making her laugh like crazy. Is mommy funny Jake said chuckling. Yeah she said giggling and I did it again and made her squeal while she laughed.
Oh we are full of giggles today I said chuckling. I did it to her a few more times and then let her cuddled it. She was rubbing her eyes so close for a nap. Oh we sleepy now Jake said stroking her head gently. No she said and yawned.
That yawn and eye rub says yes little lady I said whipping her nose. Here want a paci Jake said putting one her her mouth and she took it. Oh thank you daddy I said kissing her cheeks.
She was looking more sleepy by the second so I decided to sing a little lullaby to put her to sleep and after a few seconds she was out. Works like a charm Jake said quietly. Always I said quietly smiling and I carefully got up and picked her up.
I carried her over to her crib and gently put her in kissing her forehead whispering sleep well princess and kissed her forehead again and stood up.
Once I was up Jake copied me and kissed her forehead whispering sleep well princess and kissed her forehead again and stood up next to me and cuddled me from behind kissing my shoulder.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.