What do we do now dad said. What time is it Paris said. It is almost 4:30 mom said. How about we play another game together this time Jack said. Sure we all said and they set it up again and gave us all remotes.We picked what game to play and we somehow ended up on Mario cart. we started playing taking turns seeing as it's only 8 at a time that can play. We were having fun. Sarah kept screaming in Maya's ear while she was racing the boys and maya yelled at her to shut the hell up.
Hurry up then she said. I will if you quit screaming in my ear maya said. She finished the game and she came second. Ha Sarah said. So I came second so what if you weren't screaming the entire time I would have one maya said.
Here we go Shannon said rolling her eyes. What Darby said. There now in a fight I said. How do you know that Hannah said and Sarah walked out and went to her room mad and maya walked out and went to her room mad.
That's how Kelli said. I better go cool her off Jake said getting up and going after maya. I'll cool Sarah off Peyton said and walked out. That's a fight Lucas said. Yeah just be glad it wasn't one where they beat each other up Shannon said.
They do that Kelly said. Oh they do that but maya being pregnant i think even in a fight they know boundaries this is just an you pissed me off and I don't wanna talk to you fight they will be fine once they cool off and apologise they always are Paris said. Do they always fight like that Hannah said.
It's a twin thing so yes Demi said. Just give them a bit I said. We went back to playing and 20 minutes went by and they came back in calm like nothing happened. How can you be fine after that Zay said. We're sisters we fight they both said in unison.
And there's the twin talk Shannon said chuckling and they hugged each other tightly. And the twin cuddles Jake said chuckling. That's what we like to see I said chuckling. Definitely better then screaming and being mad Joey said.
We good now mom said. Yeah we're good maya said. I will never understand how twins work Hannah said chuckling. Me neither Darby said chuckling.

Maya's secret life part 6
أدب الهواةAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.