They finished cleaning and the kids got over the music for now and came out to play. Where were you Riley said coming over to me. Oh Abby woke up crying a while ago it was to much noise for her in there I said.Oh is she ok now Sarah said. Yeah when I got her to calm down she fell back asleep for a while now she's wide awake and has had lunch and now she's playing I said chuckling.
Glad she's ok then I thought something was wrong when you walked out with her Paris said. Yeah she can take noise just not that much noise Jake said chuckling.
She calmed down when someone brought her paci and lamb out to her I said chuckling gesturing to Jake. What it worked didn't it Jake said chuckling. Yeah that's what I just said I said chuckling.
Ok the house is clean beside the toys I say we did a good job lily said. As she said that Patrick walked through the front door with a bunch of groceries. Hey the whole family's here he said jokingly.
Haha Shannon said chuckling. Need help Ciara said. Yeah there's more in the car anyone that can help please do he said and half of the people in the house walked out and grabbed stuff and brought it in.
Geez what you do buy the whole store Topanga said chuckling. This won't last a week in this house a bunch of girls under one roof is just as bad as a bunch of boys under one with food at least lily said chuckling. It's true I said chuckling.
Yeah we eat a lot summer said chuckling. Especially when it's a certain time of the month for us older girls Natalie said chuckling. Yeah especially then lily said chuckling. Ok now to unpack it all Topanga said chuckling.
We all helped unpack all the groceries and those of us who new where it all went started putting it all away. I'm not aloud to carry heavy stuff so I was just doing the light stuff. When everything was away Abby came over with a snack.
Girl how did you get that I said chuckling picking her up. She stole the cookies little Cookie Monster Patrick said coming over and tickling her belly and she was giggling like crazy. He stopped and she didn't wanna let go of the cookies.
Can you give nana lily the cookies baby lily said. She handed them over. Thank you baby girl and for that you get some candy she said giving her a little handful fresh blueberries.
Oh yummy better then a cookie I said chuckling kissing her head when she squealed and lily put them in her hand. How is that better Hannah said chuckling.
Well for one it's healthy and two she loves them more then anything well besides milk Sarah said chuckling. She's 1 she can only eat so much i rather that little belly be filled with something healthy rather then sugar I said.
She's right little lady has all her life to eat a cookie missing out a few times while she's young isn't gonna hurt her Topanga said. And besides she's already had a cookie today Jake said chuckling. Exactly baby girl has had enough for now Paris said chuckling.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.