How is that like you Hannah asked about Abby face planting. When she tired and grumpy she tends to hid her face most of the time in my chest Jake said. What if it's not Lucas then.Then I put a pillow on my face or put the blanket over my head if I'm not ready to get up I find a way not to get up I said chuckling. I'm not even shocked Darby said chuckling.
When you know her it's really not a surprise when she does it Riley said chuckling. It really only happens if she didn't sleep well or she doesn't feel well though it's not an every day thing normally she will just need a few minutes to actually wake up Shannon said.
Yeah I'm not that bad all the time I said. Good to know Kelly said chuckling. Abby woke up a bit more and was a happy girl. Oh there's a smile Jake said kissing her cheek making her giggle.
Oh she's a happy princess now Sarah said chuckling. Yeah she is I said chuckling. Topanga came out with our pizzas and sat it down on the table and Corey brought out drinks.
We started eating and the pizza cooled down enough that Abby could have some and she ate it and had sauce all over her little face. How does that happen so fast Lucas said chuckling. Not a clue and I was watching Jake said chuckling.
Apparently not well enough I said chuckling wiping her forehead. She smiled at me. You having fun there miss I said chuckling. Yeah she said being a little goof ball. Geez Shannon said chuckling.
We finished the pizza and I cleaned Abby up with a couple baby wipes. I wiped her face and her fingers. I had been smart and put a napkin over the front of her dress and her lap so she didn't need to be changed.
It was getting even more busy in here so Topanga asked a few of us to help. All us girls helped and a few of the boys stayed to mind our stuff while the rest helped. I served a bunch of customers all while keeping Abby entertained she had her lamb that she was playing with and talking two so she was occupied.
The boys and Shannon, Darby, Hannah, Kelly, Demi And yogi were in the kitchen helping cook. Lucas and Zay were minding our stuff, Riley, Joey Paris, Sarah, Kelli were serving people taking orders. Topanga was doing a bit of everything and so was Cory.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanficAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.