Abby was wanting me to sing to her so I was entertaining her while all the others played with domino's. We were sat on the couch and I was mostly just trying to keep her occupied.Sarah had grabbed us one of the keyboards so we were using it to since nursery rhymes. I play Abby said. Sure baby want mama to teach you I said. Yeah she said smiling up at me.
Ok give me your hands baby I said and she did. I got her fingers and taught her how to play twinkle twinkle little star. We did it a few times me holding her hands then she said I do it I do it. Ok you try I said chuckling at her being miss independent. She played it pretty perfectly.
Wow who nice job sweet I said cheering her on and she giggled and said again. You can keep going if you want I said and she said yay and kept playing. I looked over to the weirdo and said chuckling what happened.
Dad happens he bumped me Riley said chuckling. I said I was sorry he said chuckling. Yeah yeah just go fix the other end farting boy Topanga said chuckling hitting his behind. Fine he said chuckling and farting as he walked away. Ewe Riley said gagging. Haha I said chuckling. Shut it you she said chuckling.
Who's playing the piano Shannon said. Abby I said. She knows twinkle twinkle now Sarah said. She does now she wanted to learn how to play so i taught her now she's obsessed aren't you I said. Yeah she said all crazy looking.
What is that face Paris said chuckling. No idea Jake said chuckling. She's literally your twin Darby said chuckling to me. Not just mine Jakes two that face she made was all him when we were little he would do that I said chuckling.
Oh yeah now I remember where that comes from Kelli said chuckling. What me saying know idea didn't give it away he said chuckling. It did to me jack said chuckling. Abby started playing something I didn't teach her but it sounded pretty good.
What is she playing now Demi said. I don't know what are you playing miss do you know I said. No just playing she said. That sounds good for just playing little lady Shannon said.
She's having fun aren't you princess I said. Yeah she said. She was occupied so I got up to get a drink being careful not to knock Down any domino's. I went to the fridge grabbed a water bottle and got some juice for Abby went and sat back down with her.
Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.