What is she looking at Darby said about maya looking at her man and her daughter. She's looking at her man and her daughter Sarah said chuckling. Shut up maya said chuckling.Why Yogi said. Because it's my man and my child I think it's cute maya said. It's a mom thing and a girlfriend thing Shannon said chuckling. A foot decided to show on the inside of Maya's belly.
Apparently a child wants attention paris said chuckling pointing at it. Maya rubbed it and it disappeared. I've never seen that happen without you having a shirt on I said.
Now you see what I actually deal with all day and night maya said chuckling. That's what being pregnant is like Hannah said. Yes but it's worth it maya said. How worth it Kelly said.
You get an adorable little person like Abby and you get to raise them and love them for the rest of your life mom said. That's why it's worth it maya said. Is parenting hard yogi said. Sometimes but so is life you just gotta get over the hard parts to find the good dad said.
Even the hard points of parenting are very much worth it especially when you can teach your child from it about whatever it is them needing to know what's right from wrong, what grieving is how to handle big emotions they have yet to have had mom said.
Parenting is exhausting but it's worth it maya said. That's also true mom said chuckling. Jake eventually came back in the water with Abby who was still asleep. Look at that squish face mom said. She made herself tired from all her splashing Sarah said chuckling.
She had fun now she naps like a little princess maya said chuckling. A drooling princess Shannon said whipping her little mouth. That's just because I took her paci didn't thing that needed to be in the water Jake said. Yeah good idea dad said.
Abby eventually woke up from her nap not even caring that she was back in the water she was more content being cuddled up to her daddy with her head on his chest. She wanted her mama two so maya gave her hand to her and she was happy.
Maya also gave her a kiss on the cheek and it made her smile and giggle. Oh we thought that was funny Sarah said chuckling. Apparently maya said chuckling. Why is she wanting your fingers Darby said. She wants her mommy and daddy this is her way of getting both of our attentions Jake said.
This is what happened when she can't decide who she wants one gets cuddles the other gets a hand hold maya said. It's a toddler thing they all do it mom said.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.