Abby was ready to sleep and she was showing it. She's so tired poor baba Jake said. Yeah I said and got ready to see if she wanted to nurse but she decided she didn't want to.No I said. Uh oh looks like someone might be done nursing Jake said. Go make her a bottle I said. Yeah he said and left to go do that. Don't you wanna nurse miss I said stroking her back.
She just smiled and touched my belly. Oh I said when the babies kicked. My big girl you are growing up two fast I said kissing her head. I love you mama she said all cutely.
I love you too my princess I said and we snuggled together on the bed that I decided to lay down on with her next to me in my arms. Jake came back in and said want a baba. She reached her hands out for it and Jake gave it to her. Oh yummy baba I said stroking her head and sitting her up enough so she won't choke.
What did you use I asked Jake. I just use some of the Breastmilk that has been in the freezer he said. Did you use the right one I said. Yeah I used the ones when she was 3 months that's right isn't it he said. Yeah if we wanna make it last yes that's correct I said.
You wanna pump since someone doesn't wanna nurse Jake said chuckling. Yeah probably should so it doesn't hurt I said getting up and walked out to go grab what I needed. I walked into the kitchen and found it then made sure it was clean and walked back to the bedroom with it.
What are you doing Shannon asked coming out. Abby doesn't wanna nurse so I'm gonna pump so it doesn't hurt. Why doesn't she wanna nurse she said. I don't know But when I asked her she touched the bump and they kicked so I'm guessing she's done so they can start I said.
Oh yeah cause doesn't your milk come in early when you have a baby she said. Yeah it can come as early as 14 weeks I guess that's what is happening she's basically done I said. And your ok with that she said.
If she's done I'm not gonna force her I'll still try in the morning see if maybe it's just tonight but I'm not worried if it is that gives me a little brake before these two crazy kids get here I said chuckling when they kicked so hard you could see.
Yeah anyway I should probably keep going she said. What are you out here for anyway I asked. Band-aid someone ripped a nail off and are bleeding do you know where they are Shannon said chuckling. I know I have some puppy ones I said chuckling.
That'll work she said chuckling and I walked into my room with her behind and gave her the bandaids thanks she said chuckling and left. What was that about Jake said chuckling.
Demi ripped a nail and it's bleeding I said chuckling. Ok then he said chuckling. I started pumping and Abby was drinking her bottle being all cute and Jake was laid next to her so I joined them.
She's holding her baba all by herself I said chuckling stroking her head. Yeah she pushed my hand away when I tried to help Jake said chuckling.
Miss independent are we now when did my baby girl get so big I said kissing her head. I know it's like she grew over night Jake said kissing her head. Yeah all of a sudden she's more toddler then baby I said and she looked at me.
Yeah we're talking about you miss I said chuckling stroking her hair out of her face. Is that baba yummy is it Jake said chuckling. It's half gone so I say yes I said chuckling.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.