I was fast asleep snuggled up to joey snoring my head of when someone decided to jump on us. We both groaned and moved closer together. Wake up someone said and hit us with a pillow and that woke me up.What the hell I mumbled opening my eyes half asleep to see Smackle standing there and Darby, Hannah, Kelly, and yogi. Why Joey mumbled. Because it's 10:44 and you people are still asleep so come one smackle said pulling me up so I sat up.
Nobody else is up smackle said. Then why wake me why not Sarah or maya I said chuckling. Because it's more fun waking you up now come on she said pulling me out of bed and joey didn't move. She fell back asleep didn't she Darby said.
Yeah I said and smacked her behind and she jumped awake. And now she's awake Smackle said chuckling. She got out of bed and cuddled herself up against me and hugged my waist putting her head on my shoulder.
We walked out of the room and we just banged on everyone's door till they woke up. What the hell Sarah said. It's time to get up it's 10:47 I said. Oh paris mumbled as she walked out. It actually is we slept in mom said Half asleep walking out.
Everyone started waking up and walking out of their rooms and we told them why we woke them up. We had almost everyone we were just waiting on maya and Jake. Sarah opened there door right as they were about to walk out.
What the heck was that for Jake said. It's almost 11 time to get up dad said. Really maya said. It's 10:50 now so yes mom said. Maya had a sleepy Abby in her arms so we must have woken her up two. Mom went to go get breakfast started and we slowly walked out of the hallway into the kitchen and sat down.
Why are you all so tired Smackle said. We had a plumbing situation last night we had no hot water so we had to get Kingston and Dwayne to fix it and we didn't get to bed a lot later then usual Shannon said. Oh that explains a lot Hannah said.
Yeah us waking up late is because of that it was unintentional Paris said. Mom just quickly made some fruit bowls for everyone seeing as it's so late and it was faster to make.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanficAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.