Abby feel asleep look super cute smooshed against my chest. How did you get her to sleep so easy Kelli said. I didn't do much just rubbed her back and held her if kids wanna nap there gonna nap we just wait till she's ready for a nap then she doesn't fight it I said. What if she's cranky and she needs one Darby said.Then I put her down it's not always perfect there are times where she's kicking and screaming because she's so tired and I've just held her till she stops and goes to sleep it's just what happened when there over tired you just have to calm them down and let them fall asleep I said.
I just have a question how do you change poopie diapers Hannah said. Well I don't have a sense of smell so it doesn't bug me i said. Wait what does that mean Darby said. That I really don't have a sense of smell I've never been able to smell anything that's just my life I wasn't born with a sense of smell I said.
So you can't smell anything Kelly said. Nope I said. Can you taste because isn't your taste 80% of smell Hannah said. In normal cases when you have a blocked nose yes but for someone like me I can actually taste every little ingredient in a food i said.
That's amazing Darby said. To me it's normal I said. Sarah came over out of breath and fell next to me. You ok I said. Can't breathe she said. Want your inhaler I said and she shook her head yes.
I grabbed it out of her purse and gave it to her and she took it. You have asthma Hannah said. Yeah Sarah said when she can finally breathe. She only struggles when she's running around or it's winter and she's sick I said. How long have you had it Kelly said. Since we we 8 she said. Do you have it Hannah asked me.
Yes but mine is more allergy's that cause it if there's two much pollen in the air I'm either sneezing or having some kinda asthma situation where I'm coughing or struggling to breathe properly I said. Good to know Kelly said. So asthma isn't the same for everyone Darby said.
No lots of people have different things that trigger and asthma attack for me it's running a lot and have the flu or a cold sometimes even allergies were as maya it's just allergies and sometimes a really bad cold or flu in winter Sarah said.
There's lots of different reasons some can even be weight related there's not much you can do other then take your medicine when you need it I said. Good to know Hannah said.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.