Jake came out of the bathroom ready for the night and he had a brushed to do my hair while I nursed Abby. Now she's settled he said. Yeah she just wanted to nurse I think I said stroking her head.Definitely is helping he said brushing out my hair. Jake brushed all the knots out of my hair and said how do you want in. Just put it in a messy bun or something I'm to tired to think I said.
Fair enough he said and did just that. When he was done he put everything back and came back. Abby nursed for another ten minutes and she was done and didn't want anymore.
I fixed myself up and burped her and let her lay on my chest. So tired and sleepy Jake said. We're in for a rough night but as long as she gets better it'll be worth it I said.
Yeah I'll help with whatever you needed if she just needs a change or cuddles I can do that let you sleep he said. Take it in turns that's more fair on both of us I said. True as long as she's looked after though it's not gonna matter Jake said.
Yeah your right I said. I got the nose sucker and cleaned the gunk out of my daughters nose so she could breathe a little better. There all better I said kissing her face earning a little giggle.
Oh there's my girl I said stroking her hair. She was getting very sleepy and so close to dozing off she was to adorable even though she wasn't well. I rocked her to sleep and she was holding her daddy finger and he had given her a paci.
She finally fell asleep and was smooshed against me. And there's the cuteness Jake said chuckling quietly. Cutest thing in the world I said smiling.
I held her for a few more minutes and then walked over to her crib and gently put her in and we checked her temperature and it was 99.9 so that was good. She didn't even wake up which shows how tired she is.
I kissed her forehead whispering sleep well princess and kissed her forehead again and stood up. Then Jake did the same thing and kissed her forehead whispering sleep well princess and kissed her forehead again and stood up and we just looked at her for a few minutes.
Sweet girls getting so big Jake said. I know eventually we're gonna have to get her a big girl bed she's gonna be climbing out of this thing soon I said chuckling.
I'm not ready for that Jake said chuckling. I yawned after that and he said ok bed time you go that way he said chuckling pushing me to bed. Ok ok I said chuckling. I crawled into bed while he went and turned the lights off.
I grabbed my pregnancy pillow and put it behind my back, between my knees and around my bump. When I was comfy Jake crawled into bed and got comfy and I laid my head on his chest.
Comfy he said. Very I said looking up at him smiling. I love you gorgeous he said smiling. Love you two handsome I said smiling and kissed him.
When we broke apart I laid my head back down on his chest and started dozing off. Night night I mumbled when I fell asleep.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.