After we finished talking we all crashed on the couch. It started pouring rain outside so we had to wait for it to stop to go home anyway.Joey was sat in my lap cuddled up against me wanting attention so I was stroking her back. She was snuggled into my chest dozing off so she must be a little tired.
She eventually fell asleep without anyone noticing and I kissed her forehead. Someone crashed Paris said chuckling pointing at her. She's tired she needs a nap I said stroking her head.
She's smooshed into your chest Darby said. Yeah she does that mom said chuckling. It's always Riley she does it to her favourite person maya said chuckling. Your her favourite person Zay said.
I'm her girlfriend and she doesn't do this to anyone else but me not even her sister she just lays on her shoulder or her lap this she does to me I said.
Mostly because Riley does it to her when she doesn't feel good or is tired Sarah said chuckling. It's true I said chuckling. The kids were playing on the floor with there toys being all cute.
How about we go in the music room and actually make music not a screaming match lily said. Yeah why not Shannon said and we all got up and walked to the music room.
I carried Joey and she didn't even wake up so she must be tired. We walked in and sat down and Smackle and her friends were laughing about something. What's so funny Lucas asked.
Wait for it smackle said chuckling. Oh what is that smell Kelli said. Did someone fart yogi said. Who was it maya said. They all pointed at Dylan.
Sorry I held it in as long as I could and it slipped out he said chuckling. You are nasty Paris said chuckling. Why thank you he said chuckling and bowed jokingly.
Why am I friends with you smackle said chuckling. And now she's questioning her choices in friends maya said chuckling. It's a joke by the way smackle said chuckling. We know mom said chuckling.
Boy you reek lily said chuckling and opened a window a little bit so the rain doesn't come in but the stank goes out. I can breath summer said chuckling. Just for that you guys have to sing something Sarah said chuckling. Yeah it's only fair Natalie said chuckling. Fine they said in unison. And now there in sync Sarah said chuckling.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.