After relaxing for a bit Lucas said why do we do now. How about we do some art Paris said. Yeah Kelli said. Ok art it is mom said chuckling and a few of the girls went and grabbed everything we needed.Maya went and put Abby down in her crib so she doesn't get woken up by accident and they all came back with art stuff. Ok we got paper, some colouring books, paint, pencils, markers, crayons, a bunch of other stuff Sarah said.
What's that Hannah said to maya. These are my drawings she said. She's and insanely good artist Jake said. Literally girl has talent if she wasn't and actor or a singer girl could make money off her art jack said. It's true I said chuckling.
We all grabbed some paper and started drawing random pictures. What is that Darby said chuckling to Lucas. Shut up I suck at drawing he said chuckling. How Hannah said looking at Maya's. What she said chuckling.
How did you do that so fast Kelly said. She didn't she's been working on that for months Jake said. It takes time you can't rush art maya said. Just like this art Sarah said touching Maya's baby bump. That's art yogi asked.
Yes making a tiny human is art your growing a child cell by cell for 40 weeks give or take making a beautiful little person you get to raise mom said.
She's right creating your own child is a whole different kinda art and you have no control over it as long as baby or babies in my case are healthy that's the best thing maya said.
Good to know Darby said. We went back to drawing and I was drawing flowers and Joey was drawing some weird shit. What are you drawing I said chuckling. I do not know she said chuckling.
It looks like a mixture of stitch and Pikachu Jake said chuckling. It kinda does maya said chuckling. At least it's decent Kelli said chuckling. Yeah it might actually turn out this time Jake said chuckling. What is yours Zay said. Moana maya said chuckling.
What laugh it up fairy Jake said chuckling. It's tinker bell the best fairy maya said chuckling. There's a best fairy Zay said. It's a joke between us we use to fight over who was the best fairy in the tinker bell movies Sarah said chuckling.
Then it turned into picking who was the best one for who Paris said chuckling. We always called maya Tinker bell because she's so much like her loyalty, Determined and loving that's all maya Kelli said chuckling.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanficAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.