Maya was tickling Abby who was snuggled in her lap laying her head on her bump being all cute. You two are twinning today Kelly said chuckling. Yeah that was intentional Jake said.Really Hannah said. Yeah little miss wanted to match how can I said no to this face maya said squishing her face gently to make her giggle.
When she says matching she doesn't mean completely there just both wearing a dress and have their hair in braids I said chuckling. She's one that's as close to matching as we can get maya said chuckling kissing her face when she was pulling faces.
She have big girl underwear on mom said. Yeah little miss asked for it again she really likes using the potty don't you miss Jake said chuckling and her crazy face.
I take that face as a yes maya said chuckling. What's with the crazy faces Shannon said chuckling. No idea she's just crazy today maya said chuckling. Where's smackle Darby said. Not here yet she's probably still in bed Paris said chuckling.
She's not answering her phone so definitely asleep Farkle said chuckling. Maybe we should go and wake her before she sleeps the day away Sarah said chuckling.
Yeah good idea mom said chuckling and we all got up grabbed what we needed for the day getting our shoes on and walked out. Maya and Jake had the baby bag and Abby and her stroller was already in the car because they have two one they keep in there and one in the house.
We walked out of the apartment and locked the door then went downstairs to there garage and got into the car. We got in the car and Sarah drove us to Smackles house. This is where smackle lives Hannah said. Yeah I said.
We got out and walked over and knocked on the door and her mom answered. Hi lea mom said. Hey I'm guessing you're here to get CeCi up for me she said chuckling. Yeah she still asleep maya said chuckling.
Yeah I tried to wake her but she just rolled over her mom said chuckling and let us in. You don't have work today mom asked. No I have a day off luckily I honestly not long woke up myself everyone in this house is having a sleepy day she said chuckling.
Ok well we'll go wake her up paris said and we walked upstairs while the adults stayed downstairs and talked. We walked into her room and of course it was a mess. What happened in here it's like a bomb went off Hannah said chuckling. It's CeCi she's not very clean Sarah said.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.