Maya finished nursing Abby and she was a bit more happy and relaxed. Oh happy girl now Sarah said kissing her cheek. Abby giggled.Oh does that tickle Jake said chuckling kissing her other cheeks making her squeal and laugh her little head off because she was apparently very ticklish. And there's the crazy hyper girl Shannon said chuckling.
Full belly and medicine makes for a happy sick baby Demi said chuckling. Yep and now she's full of Energy maya said chuckling kissing her face.
Abby wanted to play so maya sat her down and she played with her toys she had around the room that Jake had moved closer so she didn't have to go far. We finished our drawing and most of them weren't half bad.
At least they actually look like something dad said chuckling. Yeah but look at yours Farkle said chuckling because we didn't know what it was. He's the worst drawer I know mom said chuckling. Like your any better dad said chuckling.
At least you can tell what mine is she said chuckling. What's happening Hannah said chuckling. It's what they do they have to compete at everything they do I don't know why I said chuckling.
There children just as much as they are adults Shannon said chuckling. Exactly why people relate to them maya said chuckling. Will you two stop arguing over who's right I said chuckling.
Fine they said chuckling. Broke Abby said handing maya a car and a wheel. Did it break did it maya said. Yeah she said. Why happened Darby said. The wheels popped off it just needs to be shoved back on she said pushing it on and we heard a click.
There we go all fixed maya said handing it back. Thank you mama Abby said giving her mom a hug. No problem princess maya said and Abby went back to playing. She's so polite Hannah said chuckling.
Just like we want her to be unless it's a stranger then she doesn't have to talk until we say it's ok especially if we don't know who the person is Jake said.
Yeah we taught her stranger danger if little mind that mean mom and dad are talking to them I can talk to this person and nothing bad will happen maya said. Is that why it took her a bit to warm up to us Lucas said.
She's also pretty shy when it comes to new people so yes once she gets comfortable though you get this Abby the Abby that will love on you and ask for attention Jake said.
And ask you to play with her like she does to us paris said. Yeah you become and auntie or an uncle officially when she does that smackle said.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.