I woke up to Jake gently rubbing my back. Mmm I said when I woke up. Hey good morning beautiful how you feeling he said gently. Tired yucky I mumbled.I know you don't feel well do you he said. I should my head no. It's Definitely not morning sickness Abby threw up obviously which you know but others have it he said. Who I asked quietly.
Uh Shannon and Demi have it and Farkle and CeCi so far let's hope it doesn't spread he said. No wonder I feel awful it's stomach flu she said. Seems that way he said. Abby was in his arms and wanted me.
Is it ok he asked me. Yeah she's already sick she can't catch what she already has I said and he passed her over she cuddled into me and grabbed at my sports bra.
Oh you wanna nurse do you I said and got myself ready and helped her latch. I was laying on my side still so I nursed her the way I did when she was a newborn. She didn't even care because she had comfort which is what she wanted.
Jake kissed my forehead and felt it to make sure I wasn't burning up. You don't feel hot anymore hopefully your fever is gone he said and checked my temperature. 98° yep pretty much gone he said.
Hopefully that means I'm out of the woods I said. Let's hope so he said. Our door opened and Topanga walked in saying breakfast. Hi we both said. How you feeling maya she asked me.
I'm ok just tired I said. I don't blame you Jake oatmeal with the lot and a smoothie maya and Abby a plan oatmeal and a coconut water because you need something but we don't need you throwing up again she said. Thank you I said.
No problem do you want any honey in your oatmeal she said. No I'm fine I said. Ok just eat what you can even if it's half between you two just eat something she said. Ok I said. Now I have to go do the others she said and left.
We ate our breakfast and I ate as much as I could which was barely even half of half but it was better then none at all. Abby finished nursing so I fixed myself and burped her and she wanted some oatmeal so she ate the other half of the half.
Nicely done girls Jake said putting the bowls on the side when we were done. Abby was already falling asleep cuddled up against me and I was sleepy so Jake said go to sleep baby. I dozed off and he stroked my back to help and it worked because I fell asleep in a couple seconds.

Maya's secret life part 6
Fiksi PenggemarAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.