We finished our breakfast and Kelly said what are we doing today. We need to grocery shop so that is one thing we have to do Shannon said. We don't have anything else to do I don't think paris said. Not that I know of Topanga said.Abby had managed to get smoothie all over her face so I had to clean her face and hands and she got it on her PJ's so I had to take them off and she was now just in her pull up. Everyone cleaned up the dishes and put them in the dishwasher and I picked up Abby.
Naked baby Topanga said tickling her making her giggle. She spilled half her breakfast down her pjs didn't you I said chuckling at her being crazy. If she's gonna spill why do you let her feed herself Hannah said.
Because it's normal for little kids to spill over themselves that's how they learn how to eat like we do Cory said. Exactly she wants to feed herself so we let her she's 1 it's not gonna be perfect I said. As long as she eats what's the problem Jake said. Fair enough Kelly said.
When everything was cleaned up Topanga said ok everyone let's get ready for the day. Ok everyone said and got up and started walking back to our bedrooms while Darby, Hannah, Kelly, and yogi all sat on the couch and waited for us.
When me and Jake got back into our room with Abby he locked the door behind us while I held her and she was being very cute and cuddly to me. Can mama have a kiss I said. She pucker and gave me one.
Thank you princess I said kissing her cheeks making her giggle. What about dada can I have a kiss baby Jake asked her and she puckered for him two. Thank you buggy he said kissing her cheeks making her giggle.
You are a little goof ball today I love it I said chuckling. She woke up crazy today is what she did Jake said chuckling. Probably right I said chuckling. We wanted down so I put her down and she started playing with her toys on the floor.
How's my woman today Jake said hugging me from behind. I'm good for once I got a decent amount of sleep I said chuckling. That's good he said chuckling. These babies kicked all night though I said chuckling.
See that I new he said chuckling. We sat down for a little bit and watched Abby play and just cuddled and relaxed before our probably busy day started.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.