Moving on what time is it now dad said. Now it's almost 7:30 mom said. We should probably get home Hannah said. Yeah Darby said. They got up and Kelly said you coming smackle. No I'm sleeping here tonight she said.Ok everyone that's going home let's go dad said walking out and they followed. Your mom working again I asked. Yeah she said. What about Isabella mom said. She's at my grandmas tonight she said. Fair enough Shannon said.
Right what do we all want for dinner mom said. Let's just have some easy tacos Sarah said. Ok fair enough everyone that wants to help come with mom said and all of us got up to walk out of the room and some people sat on the couch. Maya was sat with Abby and Jake was helping us. Some of the boys we two.
We started cooking cutting up everything and we had to cook all the ingredients first then we made the actual tacos because we realised a little to late we didn't have any so we made them ourselves making sure to get all the gluten out of them which Shannon somehow manage to do and we made the tacos up then put them in the oven.
We waited 30 minutes and they were just about ready and dad got back just in time. Go wash your hands mom said to him. On it he said and did as he was told. Mom pulled the tacos out of the oven and we put them on plates and called everyone else over.
They came over and had a seat and we gave everyone a plate especially ourselves. These look good smackle said. Yeah they do maya said. We all sat down and started eating. They are amazing Zay said.
Chew with your mouth closed man Farkle said chuckling. Yeah please Sarah said chuckling. The tacos had baby corn, red onion, red pepper, cumin seeds, olive oil, kiwi, tomato, whole meal flour, garlic, coriander, bouillon power, paprika, red cabbage. We finished them in less then ten minutes and there was none left.
And for once I'm still hungry Paris said chuckling. Yeah me two Kelli said. What should we have for dessert then Shannon said. I know what we can Paris said going to the fridge and she pulled out a chocolate cake that was half eaten.
Who made that anyway maya said. It wasn't you Sarah said. No not unless I was cooking in my sleep she said chuckling. Who made it then Kelli said. I did I was hungry last night and dealing with this one snoring Shannon said chuckling. Hey Demi said chuckling. Oh you know I love you Shannon said chuckling. I know Demi said chuckling.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.