Right now that the air conditioning is sorted let's make lunch it's 12:30 mom said. We walked out into the living room and the boys sat on the couch and us girl decided to make salad wraps for us and soup for the sick and probably us as well for something extra.We did the soup first and it was a vegan chicken soup obviously no chicken involved but the same idea. Mom sent Sarah to go check and see how there all feeling and told told them I already checked on maya. How is she Kelli said.
She's fine she doesn't really feel sick anymore just tired I said. Sarah went and checked on the other 4 while we got everything out. That's good that maya is feeling better right Darby said.
Yes that means it sounds like just a 24 hour bug if that so a little rest and everyone should be feeling fine hopefully mom said. Let's hope so dad said coming over. Sarah came back and said Shannon is feeling a little better Demi doesn't and Farkle and smackle still don't feel the best.
Well 3 out of 6 that's a good start mom said. We made there soup and then made our salad wrap while it was cooking. When all the food was done we dished it up and called the boys to the table and mom and Sarah took all the sick people there soup and Jake a salad wrap and came back and washed there hands.
When there were done they sat down and ate with the rest of us. There was left over soup so we had it on the side with the salad wrap. The salad wrap has gluten free wraps obviously, brown rice, quinoa, chia seeds, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley and red onion.
And for the dressing it was olive oil, lemon juice,and salt. The soup has carrots, celery, onion, garlic, potatoes, vegetables broth, Worcestershire sauce, onion powder, garlic powder, dried thyme, salt, nutritional yeast, brown rice spiral noodles, fresh parsley and lemon juice.
It was all delicious and very tasty. This is so good Hannah said. It's chicken soup vegan addition Sarah said chuckling. Really Lucas said. Yeah this is basically the same thing but vegan Paris said. It tasted pretty close Kelly said. Exactly Joey said.
We all devoured the wraps and soup in less then ten minutes so we cleaned up all the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. Dad went and got all the sick peoples dishes and came back and they were all empty meaning they all tried to actually eat as much as they could. They did good this time let's hope it stays down mom said. Yep dad said.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.