Let's go get breakfast Topanga said. We walked into the kids and Abby was still clingy so I rubbed her back to settle her. We all sat down at the kitchen counter and Cory helped Topanga cook. Why is this one clingy today Hannah said.I don't know i said feeling her little forehead. She doesn't feel warm I said. Jake checked as well to be safe. Nope no fever just a cuddly baby Jake said kissing her cheeks getting a giggle. Oh happy girl Shannon said chuckling.
Very happy girl Sarah said chuckling at her giggles. We just wanted cuddles today don't we baba I said. Uh huh she said. Topanga made us a quick breakfast. She just made oat meal that was gluten free and vegan so it was perfect for everyone.
She gave it to all of us and we all had toppings to pick from. We had cinnamon, salt, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, or maple syrup. I chose cinnamon and some of the berries and gave Abby just blueberries because she's little and she she likes them. This is good Darby said.
And it's only oat meal Paris said chuckling. Eating health doesn't have to taste bad if you do it right Kelli said. True we all said. We all finished breakfast pretty quickly because we were all hungry and it was really good. We cleaned up the dishes and put everything in the dishwasher.
I wiped Abbys face and hands even though I fed her this time because she was more intrigued by hugging my arm then wanting to feed herself. She was fed anyway so that's all that matters.
Ok everyone go get dressed Topanga said and we all walked back to our bedrooms and Darby, Hannah and Kelly didn't know what to do. You guys coming i said. We didn't know where we were supposed to go Hannah said. Anywhere Sarah.
Me and Jake walked into our room with the girls behind us. Jake locked the door behind us and I told them to go find something to wear in the closet. They came out with outfits and I said it was ok for them to borrow them.
We had washed there clothes over night so they all had there underwear back so we didn't have to loan them any. Everyone go shower and get dressed leave everything else till we've all showered I said.
Darby went first and we all sat around. Abby was running around playing with her toys and the rest of us relaxed for a few minutes.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.