My baby maya said kissing Abbys cheeks making her giggle. She eventually stopped to let her breath and she said again and maya tickled her this time and got giggles again.That laugh is so cute I can't Darby said. It just makes you melt and fall in love with the little monkey all over again Paris said chuckling. She's so precious how can you not love this little princess Sarah said chuckling.
Maya stopped and let her breath and she cuddled into her mama. Snuggle bug Jake said chuckling. Dada she said and gave him a kiss on the cheek two.
Why thank you my princess Jake said and gave her a kiss back and tickled her side and make her giggle more. She was giggling so much she tooted. What was that Shannon said chuckling.
She tooted maya said chuckling. Oh stinky Sarah said chuckling playfully. Abby was still giggling thinking it was funny because it was funny. Was that funny I said chuckling. Uh huh she said giggling. Did that come out of your booty Shannon said chuckling.
No dada did it she said giggling. Oh really Jake said chuckling. She's blaming you now mom said chuckling. Toddler move dad said chuckling.
You cheeky monkey Jake said chuckling tickling under her armpit getting more giggles. When he stopped she finally calmed down and needed a drink so Sarah grabbed her one and gave it to maya.
Abby took a big drink and felt better. Well that was interesting Hannah said chuckling. That's just life with a little one Sarah said chuckling.
Yeah that's something that always happens when you have a little one in the house that's why it's important not to cuss near them because they repeat it and you don't want that Smackle said.
Yeah that's why we have a rule in the house if you're gonna cuss get creative or don't say it Shannon said. Creative Lucas said.
Like if you are gonna say the f word instead say fire truck or something just replace it with another word this monkey hasn't even noticed maya said about Abby playing with her necklace now zoned out not even paying attention to anyone.
Does it work yogi said. Yeah you could also spell the word dad said. Not in this house you spell it she would figure it out she knows letters already Jake said. Really I said.
She knows her letters and how to count to about 14 that's just what she's picked up from Avery and Madison and probably even Auggie kids are like a sponge if you let them learn the right way maya said. It's true mom said chuckling.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.