We sat just talking for a while and it got a little more crowded so paris Kelli, jack, Tyler, Sarah and Peyton went and helped out where extra hands were needed. Everything was good until missy walked in.Here we go again Riley said rolling her eyes. What Hannah said. Missy just walked in Lucas said. Oh that's what Darby said. Oh look this must be the loser table missy said.
Why do you have to be so childish I said. Why do you have to be so ugly she said. My point exactly I said. Just leave us alone you immature freak Kelly said. I'm not immature you are she said.
Your acting like a 8 year old you wander why you have no friends anymore CeCi said. I have friends she said. We're not friends Hannah said. And you bully the rest of us out of jealousy Riley said.
Sounds pretty pathetic Farkle said chuckling. Make that very pathetic Sarah said walking past. She huffed and walked away kicking the stroller which woke Abby and made her cry. Shshsh your ok baby your ok I said getting her out and rocking her back to sleep settling her down.
Topanga saw what happened and went over to her and made her march over and apologise then she got kicked out for causing a disturbance. Thanks I said. No problem she deserved it Topanga said stroking Abbys hand. She was now only whimpering and very sleepy against me. Poor baby Hannah said.
She couldn't settle so I had to nurse her back to sleep. She settled down while she nursed and is now a calm little princess struggling to stay awake. She's gonna fall asleep doing that Jake said chuckling. Just let her poor baby deserves it I said chuckling stroking her head. You let her Darby said.
When she needs to yes and after what just happened she needs the comfort I said. True Riley said. She dozed off nursing and I waited for her to stop before i unlatched her from me and fixed myself up.
I burped her in her sleep and she was happily napping again. Jake gave her paci back and she had her lamb in her arm hugging it which was two cute. She loves that thing CeCi said chuckling. Of course she does I said chuckling.
I held her for a little longer then gently sat her back in her stroller buckled her back up. She stayed asleep which was good she could now finish her nap.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.