Little romantics even g rated Topanga said chuckling. When did it get PG Harper asked. When we were pre teens and young teens so like 11 to 13 right Jake said.Yeah as we got older our relationship would get older and more mature I said. When did you two start making babies Harper said trying to make it appropriate for all littles at the table they were like 14 the first time it's normal to experiment our parents gave them the talk about using protection and everything Shannon said.
You just talk about that with your parents Layla said. We only have one rule in our family and that's always be honest with each other our parents treat us like whatever age we are that's how appropriate they are nothing is off the table to talk about in our family Sarah said chuckling. It's true the stuff that comes up during dinner is interesting I said chuckling.
What's ok to talk about Harper said. There's a time and a place like nothing disgusting or inappropriate while we're eating no poop talk at the table but stuff like school friends drama with friends or boyfriend or girlfriend issues career talk what we want to do the next month of our life's there's limits depending on the situation and who's in the room but everything is and open conversation Shannon said.
That's and interesting way of being raised Layla said. To outsiders yes but to us it allows us to be open and honest with our parents we don't have to be scared to talk about something with them or each other that's there whole reason for it I said. Looking at it that way makes a lot of sense Harper said.
It's actually smart Topanga said. Abby decided she wanted to bang on the table and be noisy. Hey you why you banging cheeky girl Jake said chuckling. It's fun Abby said. It's fun is in Sarah said chuckling. Yeah she said and did it again. Harriet decided to join in and so did Auggie.
Ok I think that's enough of that Topanga said chuckling stopping Auggie after five minutes. Yeah I said chuckling stopping Abby. Layla stopped Harriet from banging but she had to do one more and then she was done. Paris, Kelli, Darby, Hannah, Kelly, Riley and joey walked over and sat down out of breath. You done I said chuckling. Yeah they all said.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.