Yeah you trip all the time you're just as bad as maya Sarah said chuckling. We looked at each other and both through a pillow at her head to be smart back at her. Really both of you she said chuckling. Yep we both said laughing.We finished watching the show and Abby started fussing again. I got her Jake said getting up and going to get her. He came back five minutes later and she reached for me so he handed her over.
Poor baby she doesn't sound well Topanga said when she coughed. She's so sick I said stroking her back when she leaned into me and rocking her to calm her down. Poor baby really isn't well Shannon said stroking her head.
Hey want a drink princess Paris said trying to get some water into her but little miss wasn't having it. She doesn't want it I said. How about a popsicles would you like one Sarah said.
She shook her head yes. Yeah that's what you want ok I said as Riley went and grabbed one. She came back with it open and said here you go little lady. Oh here we go I said grabbing it and letting her have it. She slowly started eating it.
Thanks Riley I said. No problem she said back. She was starting to feel a little better and she took a bite like a big girl. Oh now we feel a little better huh Topanga said. It always works I said chuckling.
That'll bring the fever down to Cory said. Yeah that's why there good Shannon said. We went back to watching the tv and suit life in deck was on. What's this Darby said. Suit life on deck it's the sequel to suit life of zack and Cody CeCi said.
Oh in that case I've watched this just a long time ago Hannah said chuckling. Yeah they play a lot of the older shows in the summer for teenagers I said. Why yogi said.
They ask a lot of us on Disney chase what we would wanna watch we put our requests in and see what happens Kelli said. Really Lucas said. She's kidding we have nothing to do with it Paris said chuckling. Yeah nada Jake said.
What even goes on in Disney channel Hannah said. They Can't say until they contract is up even then they have to be careful how they word it Demi said. It's true I said. It's nothing bad just not normal that's for sure Kelli said. Not even close to normal Peyton said. Got that right CeCi said.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.