We finished putting the dishes in the dishwasher and all had a drink of water. What do we do now yogi said. How about we go into the studio and mess around Paris said. Why not Sarah said. We walked to the studio and walked in.Now what do we do Hannah said. Can we learn how to play the piano Darby said. If you guys want I could teach you Sarah said. Anyone wanna learn guitar jack said. Yeah a few people said.
We separate into groups and they taught all us that don't know how to play something how to play. We messed around for a couple hours playing and eventually got bored so we stopped.
Zay decided to snoop on the computer attached to the system but Joey caught him before it was to late. Oi don't touch that you might delete something she said. What happens if I do he said.
Depends on who's it was if it was Maya's she'll kill you if it was on Demi's demos same thing half of us will chase you around the house to get you just know that Sarah said. Why though Hannah said.
Because it takes so long just to make one song even a demo takes a while it's a lot of work Kelli said. Yeah so the computer is off limits to everyone that isn't us Sarah said. Isn't it just a regular computer though Lucas said.
No it's specifically designed for music and extremely expensive that's another reason we ask nobody touch it because it's expensive Sarah said. Got it we all said. Can we listen so something on there Kelly said. Also no sorry but that's just the rule Paris said.
Ok then Lucas said. We decided to go find something else to do so we walked out of the studio. How about we deep clean the house a bit get rid of some of the germs in the house mom said. Why not Darby said.
We mopped the floors and vacuumed and whipped off the door handles so we stop spreading so many sick germs. The next thing we did was clean under the couch again. We moved it out of the way and dad said how does this happen in a matter of days.
Nobody knows Sarah said chuckling. What is this Hannah said picking up something blue. That would be blues clues I said turning it upright. Oh she said. Abbys Sarah said. We cleaned it all up and put the couch back and then we sat down because we were done.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.