Do you normally lose this I said chuckling to CeCi. Mostly because I'm not paying attention but this time I am she said chuckling. Ok I think where's don't Farkle said chuckling and tackled her when she wouldn't stop.And there's the crazy Farkle we know Riley said chuckling. Is he always like this Hannah said chuckling. When he's in a goofy mood yes I said chuckling. Heard that he said chuckling.
Yeah I know that I said chuckling. He stuck his tongue out at me so I did it back. Abby was snuggled on top of me and she squirmed and woke up a little bit with all the noise that was happening in the room.
She woke up fussing so I tried to settle her stroking her back kissing her face none of it was working and she was still upset so I told Jake I was gonna go somewhere quiet to settle her and he said ok. I walked out with her and saw everyone that wasn't in the music room cleaning.
Everything ok Topanga asked when she heard her upset. Yeah she just woke up and is a little fussy she wouldn't settle down in I figured maybe it was a little to loud and crazy I said rocking her.
Poor baby why don't you take her outside get her some fresh air lily said. Sounds like a good idea I said and walked out with her. I walked out onto the patio and sat in one of the rocking chairs.
Shshsh your ok baby you're ok I whispered into her ear whiles stroking her back. We sat there for a few minutes and she was a little calmer but still fussy. I made sure she wasn't wet and she wasn't so it wasn't that reason.
Jake came out with her paci and her lamb and said what's wrong baby we didn't wake up happy did we. No we definitely did not my poor baby is so upset I said kissing her head.
Want your paci Jake said putting it near her mouth and she took it and sucked on it and that helped her settle herself. Want your lamb Jake said and gave that to her and she took it.
Oh we stating to feel better now aren't we baby I said stroking her cheek. She stopped crying and was now all cuddles. You ok I asked her. She shook her head no. Do you know why you were upset Jake asked her. She shook her head no. That's ok maybe we just had a bad dream hey I said. She shook her head yes and was all cuddles.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.