I gave Abby her juice and she drank it. It was watered down but she didn't have to know that. They finally ran out of dominos so now they had to push them down. Hey Abby wanna push down the domino's Sarah asked.Ok she said not so sure what that meant. I put our drinks on the table and said come on princess and picked her up sitting her on my hip. We walked over to the start of it and I sat her down. Ok ready Jake said. Yeah she said excited.
Push this one down he said showing her and she touch it and picked it up. Not quite Jake said chuckling.
Like this Abby Sarah said grabbing the one out of her and and put it back where it was and grabbed her hand and got her pointer finger out and helped her push it over and it started going. Wow she said amazing and it was adorable.
Is that awesome baby I said. Yeah she said watching it in amazement. After a few minutes it finished. I think you guys blew her little mind I said chuckling. Was that cool Paris said.
Yeah she said. Wanna help us build another one Shannon said. Yeah she said and sat her little booty down. Right on my foot really I said chuckling. You can't move now Sarah said chuckling.
Here Topanga said chuckling when she got a chair and sat it behind me. Thanks I said chuckling and sat down. Why don't you just sit on the floor Yogi said. If I sit in the floor I might not get back up so that's a no for me I said chuckling.
She's two pregnant to sit on the floor Shannon said chuckling. Jake went and got my water for me and Abby juice for her which she had in one hand. Did you water her juice down Topanga asked me quietly so she wouldn't know.
Yeah of course I always do I said. Ok just checking she said. They made a little one for Abby and she pushed it down again and said yay clapping while it all fell. Yay is that fun baba I said. Fun she said.
She wanted to do it again and again and we let her seeing as we all had nothing better to do with the power being out right now. After almost and hour she was more into hanging off my leg and swinging then playing with them though.
I moved my leg with her attached and she was giggling and squealing her little head off. How is that so funny Hannah said chuckling. She's little it's probably like a swing Darby said chuckling. The stuff you do to entertain your kids Cory said chuckling. No kidding I said chuckling.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.