So that's worth it Hannah asked. Yeah we love our careers we worked hard to get where we are now paris said. Long nights earlier mornings it's a lot of work but it's so worth it when you see the final product come to life maya said.There's a time limit when your young isn't there mom said. Yeah minors 16 and under can only work 8 hours a day do from like 9-5 and 240 minutes worth of that have to be school work 16 and only you can work longer if you have graduated high school if not it's just 10 hours a day and the same amount of time for school Kelli said.
Do you need anything to prove you can work mom said. Just a permit both your own and the people who employ you at a young age need one because of child labour laws and they have to hire a teacher there's a lot the public doesn't see Sarah said.
Yeah we maybe actors and love our jobs even as kids but we also have to do school and we have to play sports and socialise like normal kids whether you start as a baby or a 15 year old you do more then just acting all day the only time you legally don't have to do school is when the public doesn't like a weekend or a holiday or summer unless you are
homeschooled and want to obviously maya said.Good to know Darby said. Its also different in every state and country Demi said. Really I said. Yeah depending on where you go you get different rules Joey said. I never new that I said chuckling. Probably should have explained it to you sooner she said chuckling.
How are you treated on sets mom asked. Little kids are treated like how a teacher would treat them at school and double digits they start treating you like a young adult they have a higher expectation for you to know your lines or at least most of them it's okay to mess up because adults do but they expect you to memorise as much as you can at that point unless there's a reason maya said.
Reason Kelly said. If the child has a learning disability and they struggle to read then there's accommodations Sarah said. Same with anyone with a disability if they wanna entertain there's no reason they can't you just have to make it safe for them an appropriate and make them comfortable maya said. Got it mom said.
We looked around in the shop and didn't find anything we liked so we walked out and the boys were finally done so we could keep going.

Maya's secret life part 6
FanfictionAll secrets are out. There's nothing left to hide. Or is there. Better read to find out. P.s please read part 1,2,3,4,5 if you haven't.