Chapter [8]

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Danielle's PoV

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Danielle's PoV

I tiptoe quietly into the living room, the sight of blood beginning to stain the carpet while Rebekah attempts to remove it with bleach catching my eye.

Sighing, I step over taking a seat next to Nik on the sofa leaning against his shoulder watching him read a book.

Rebekah looks up smiling at me, "Morning Danielle."

"Morning Bekah," I smile, my lips forming disgust at the blood, "What happened here?"

She exhales in annoyance pointing at Nik, "Why don't you ask him."

Nik looks up smirking, "I don't know what your talking about, sister."

I roll my eyes, listening to Rebekah scowl in response.

I lean forward picking up one of the plantations apples, biting into it immediately spitting it out.

"Why is there blood on this?" I mumble wiping my face feeling their eyes on me, "What?!" I exclaim, "I know what blood tastes like, unfortunately."

Nik chuckles leading me to throw the apple at his face, grinning at his glare.

Rebekah turns to Klaus, "Reading poetry about poisoned apples from dead trees. Looks like someone's worried about impending daddy-hood."

Nik shakes his head smirking, "Nonsense. Elijah's back. In his presence, all problems turn to pixie-dust and float away!"

I suppress a smile watching Elijah enter the room holding a book.

He gives us a pointed look, "Strange, I don't recall any pixie-dust from the darkness of the coffin I was recently forced to endure."

He sits down opposite us, opening the book he is holding.

Rebekah sits up throwing a look of confusion, "What are you doing with Mother's spellbook?"

Elijah turns a page, "Well, in exchange for my freedom, I promised the witch Davina that I would share a few pages from Mother's grimoire to help her learn to control her magic," He pauses looking directly at me, "I thought we'd begin with a little un-linking spell."

My eyes light up happily.

Rebekah looks at her brother with shock, "Wait, you want to use her to un-link Danielle from Sophie Deveraux?"

Smitten Storm ✨ Danielle Gilbert-Labonair [2]Where stories live. Discover now