Chapter [58]

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Danielle's PoV

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Danielle's PoV

I walk between Elijah and Nik returning to the compound.

"So, my first sired wants to kill you. Yours wants to kill me," Nik sighs, "Makes you regret turning vampires in the first place."

I bite my lip with a small smile.

"Well, the division of labor seems crystal clear.....two of them, two of--"

I stop in my tracks spotting the cashier from the Jardin Gris shop laying dead on the floor. Her body neatly poised upon a bed of lavender sprigs, wrists cut giving a clear indication of how she died.

"," Elijah mutters.

Nik with a look of horror rushes forward lifting up a letter from the woman's hand.

His eyes catch mine, emotions running wild in his head, handing the letter to Elijah.

"Roses are red, lavender is blue. Come find me before I find you."

The two share a glance, before Elijah kneels down checking the woman is really dead.

Nik scowls, "I remember her a better poet."

"Oh, I wouldn't say that this is lacking in poetry," Elijah comments.

Nik sighs, "She wants us to find her," He throws the letter onto the body, "So let's."

"Who the hell are you talking about?" I ask getting ignored immediately.

Nik goes to leave only for Elijah to stop him, "Are you so eager, Niklaus? Last time you even said her name was a thousand years ago, when you told me to never speak it again in your presence."

"So, am I to wait as she leaves her little calling-cards all over my home?" Nik questions in annoyance.

I notice Elijah looking uncomfortable, "There's something you should know."

Nik turns to him unaware Elijah had been keeping a secret from him.

"When Mother seized control of my mind, unleashing those monstrosities that lurk behind the red door..." His voice drops, "I saw something."

I cross my arms angrily looking between the brothers.

"Aurora was there."

Smitten Storm ✨ Danielle Gilbert-Labonair [2]Where stories live. Discover now