Chapter [89]

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Danielle's PoV

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Danielle's PoV

I sit in the living room tending to Kol's bite marks.

"What is my sister saying to Nik?" Kol asks coughing aggressively.

I sigh, "That there is an army of his sirelings wanting to kill him. And Marcel has ordered them to tear apart the city to find him. And the rest of us."

My words falter, looking over at Nik on the phone.

"What else?"

I furrow my eyebrows, "Surely you can hear the conversation."

He shakes his head, "My mind is full of sins and clouding my vision. My ears are ringing......I'm struggling to listen to anyone that's not in front of me."

"Marcel wants Nik to stand trial for his crimes," I mutter.

Nik stares down at me hanging up the phone to Rebekah.

Elijah looks up from Hayley's side, "It's not a trial. It's suicide. Take Danielle, take Hayley, take Hope and get the hell out of this city."

Hayley protests, "No, I refuse to leave you and our family to die."

Kol suddenly grips hard around my neck, "No! Davina please! No, don't leave me!"

I try to twist his hand off mine, struggling, "Kol, it's me, Ellie....."

He blinks in confusion still gripping my neck.

"I'm sorry," I reach out with my other hand and snap his neck giving him so brief relief.

His hand goes limp falling to my lap. With a sigh I move over, placing a blanket over Kol.

I stand up looking Nik.

Freya looks to us, "There may be a way to save them."

"Then I will move the world to make it so."

Freya looks to Nik, "I need time."

"You think he should stand trial before that death-dealing mob?" I ask standing in front of them.

She nods, "That will be the easy part. In order to save all of us, Nik needs to come out of the trial alive."

"Marcel won't allow that," I shake my head.

Freya shrugs moving to sit back down, "It might be the only way. We have to try."


I stand in the nearby bedroom looking out the window overlooking New Orleans.


I turn to see Nik slip a letter into Hope's backpack.

"It's too dangerous," I murmur, "We just got married. I thought all this fighting was behind us, that we could live a peaceful live raising our children."

Nik appears in front of me wiping away the tears sliding down my cheeks, "I need to do this. I am the one they want."

"It's not fair," I sob, "Why now?"

"I do not know, Little Wolf," He looks to the floor, "But I promise to find a way back to you."

His hands cup my face pulling me into a long passionate kiss.
He pulls away too soon, resting his forehead against mine.

"You are a Mikaelson," He whispers, "Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise."

I nod.

"I love you, Danielle," He kiss me again, "Don't forget that."

I smile hugging his waist, my head buried in his chest.

"I love you, Nik......Always and Forever."

He leans to my ear, "Look after Hope and our unborn child. Stick with Hayley, she's part of this family too."

"I will do everything in my power to bring our family back together," I kiss him one final time before he disappears from the room.


I watch Freya write down the sleeping spell, preparing all the ingredients needed to cast it successfully.

My phone rings and I quickly answer it, "Rebekah, is it over?"

"Nik found a way to stay alive. Our plan worked," She explains, "Now it's up to you and Hayley. Make his sacrifice count."

"I won't stop until we're together again," I promise, "Hang tight. I'll come for you soon."

I end the call standing opposite Hayley at the table, "Are you ready Freya?"

She nods, "I need Rebekah's dagger. It has her blood."

I nod pulling it out of my jacket pocket into her waiting hand.

I stay silent listening to Freya chant, the phrases getting louder and louder as the blood of siblings transverse down the parchment to Nik's name, the five all connected and stuck in an endless slumber similar to Finn.

The candles go out, the smoke dancing through the air. The bodies of Freya, Kol and Elijah relaxing, now lifeless.

I look up at Hayley with tears in my eyes, "Are you okay?"

She shakes her head, "No. But what choice do we have."

Together we carry their bodies to an abandoned truck, stealing four chic coffins for their bodies to remain in until we are ready to wake them up.

I sit in the passenger seat with Hope in my lap.

Hayley opens the door, climbing inside, turning on the engine.

"Are you ready for this, Danielle?"

I let out a deep sigh, "We can do this.....together, right?"

She nods, "I won't leave you, Sister."

I look forward as we drive pass a sign saying 'Leaving New Orleans'.

"Together Forever," I reach for her hand.

She squeezes it tightly, "Together Forever."


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