Chapter [84]

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Danielle's PoV

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Danielle's PoV

"I can't believe that by becoming a vampire with my blood running through her veins that she survived what would have been an awful death," I mumble to Nik as we stand on the balcony overlooking the courtyard.

I watch Cami laughing with my family.

"It's an incredible miracle," He whispers reaching for my hand, "One tied to you, Little Wolf."

I smile turning to face Nik, "This prophecy is coming true piece by piece. And it scares me.....I saw something back when that seer was alive."

"You mean the one that showed you something else," he clarifies, "What is it, she showed you if I may ask."

"It was an image of myself covered in blood holding our daughter....." I trail, "I was wearing a wedding dress."

" know I won't let anything happen to you, Hope or our family-"

"If we're to lose one another because of this prophecy then I want to take something back into our control," I express cutting him off.

"And what would that be, Love."

I place my hand on his cheek stroking it softly, "Marry me."

He stares at me, "What?"

"Today," I say confidently, "I want to be your wife, Nik. I won't let some stupid prophecy get in the way."

"But the vision you saw-"

"We'll change our fates together," I reassure.

His lips slowly morph into a bright and wild smile, "What are we waiting for then, Little Wolf."

I grin back planting a kiss on his cheek.


"I can't believe this is finally happening," I bubble with excitement.

Cami laughs with Hayley and Freya, "We can't believe that you already had pretty much everything organised.

Hayley nods, "From the dress to the flowers."

I shrug, "I had a strong feeling that if I were to marry Nik, it would be a last minute decision."

"Well, I'm glad you're going to officially be part of our family," Freya smiles, "You always have been, remember that."

Davina walks in with Kol, "Wow, Dani, you look amazing."

"Thank you."

Kol winks, "Looking exquisite, Ellie."

I walk forward reaching for his hand, "You ready to walk me down the aisle?"

He nods, "I still can't believe you gave me the honour."

I smile linking my arm with his as the girls rush off to take their places.

"Let's go."


"We are gathered here today for the union of my brother Niklaus Mikaelson and the gorgeous Danielle Labonir," Kol officiates.

I roll my eyes with a smirk.

"I believe the couple have written their own vows, so Nik if you would."

Nik takes a deep breathe, "I've lived for over a thousand years. Experienced happiness and love many times and yet I didn't fully commit myself to anyone. Deep down I felt this strange void in my heart, something nobody could fill....."

"....But then I met you," He smiles, "A rebellious girl who didn't care what I had done, or that I was an evil hybrid. You saw right through my facade, and because of that I've become a better man....."

He pauses, ".....It seems cliche but it would seem that you are the light to my darkness. And without you and our beautiful daughter I don't know if I would still be the same man standing in front of you today."

I feel him squeeze my hands, "I love you Danielle more than you will ever know. It was you who taught me that love is not a weakness, it's a strength. And so I pledge that I will love you, Always and Forever."

I tear of joy rolls down my cheek, Nik wiping it away with his thumb.

"Ellie," Kol nods, "If you would."

I look up at Nik, "When we first met, I hated you....."

Everyone laughs.

"......You were a complete asshole. Someone I never thought I would fall in love with, and yet I did.....Head first....."

".....I saw a different side of you, the sensitive and loving gentleman under all those different masks you wore. I could see you weren't evil, only human...."

"......I don't regret anything that has happened, I love you Nik. And I pledge that I will love you Always and Forever, no matter the cost."

Kol wipes away a tear, "I promised myself I wouldn't get emotional."

I shake my head at him, "Idiot."

"Nik, do you take Danielle to be you wife, for our eternity?"

Nik nods pushing a simple gold band onto my ring finger, "I do."

"And, Ellie, Do you take Nik to be your husband, for our eternity?"

I bite my lip placing another gold band onto Nik's ring finger, "I do."

Kol slams his bible shut, "Well, then I pronounce you husband and wife."

Everyone cheers.

"To Nik and Danielle Mikaelson, may the love they share last forever."


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