Chapter [38]

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Dani's PoV

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Dani's PoV

I sit in the front seat of the SUV, Nik pulling swiftly into the driveway of a pretty little house. I leap out of the moving car as it slowly comes to a stop parking in the gravel driveway. My legs carrying me directly over to Elijah who is waiting for us next to Rebekah, my little girl cuddled up in his arms.

Gently, I reach for my daughter, scooping her up in my arms bouncing her softly as she gurgles at me. I smile widely rubbing her stomach, "Hello Princess."

I twist the young toddler around my body her little legs wrapped around my waist. Kissing the delicate hairs on her head, I breathe out a sigh of relief cooing at my Hope.

I glance over to Nik, my eyes watering, gesturing for him to join us. I lift Hope into Nik's arms despite his slight reluctance, her small hand clinging to my finger, bouts of laughter echoing in my ears.


"Curse on the first-born?" Rebekah scoffs, "What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean?"

I stand next to Nik holding Hope against my chest as she falls asleep in my arms.

"Well, according to Finn, our sister Freya didn't die of plague. She was taken as payment by our aunt Dahlia, who then cursed all Mikaelson first-borns for eternity," Nik explains.

I give an expression of worry, "Is any of this true?"

"It is if we are to believe Finn, who learned it from the bastion of truth-- our mother," Elijah states.

Rebekah sighs, "Well, no wonder Finn hates us. He lost the sister he adored, and instead got a judgy pack of siblings who found him unbearably dull."

"Great!" Hayley frowns, standing next to Rebekah, "So.....Is there any chance of us running into your loony Aunt Dahlia any time soon?"

Elijah shakes his head, glancing over at Hayley, "The fable's over a thousand years old. Dahlia is long dead."

Hayley avoids his eyes.

"...Like Esther?" I question, rolling my eyes.

Nik wraps his arm around my waist, "No one's going to hurt Hope, because no one's going to find her."

I smile leaning into him turning to Rebekah who threw some more firewood on the bonfire we were creating.

"There's enough wood, Rebekah. You'll burn down the whole bloody state of Arkansas," Nik jokes gazing over at her, watching as she rushes over extremly happy.

Smitten Storm ✨ Danielle Gilbert-Labonair [2]Where stories live. Discover now