Chapter [39]

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Danielle's PoV

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Danielle's PoV

"Hello Sweetheart," I whisper lovingly rattling a toy gently in front of her.

I smile widely when her tiny hands reach out to grasp it, "Mommy's here, Hope, Mommy's here," I stroke her delicate hair, handing the toy to her, laughing as she shoves it into her face.

I carefully lift her up letting her cling to my hip taking her to the kitchen to see Uncle Elijah.

"Good Morning Elijah."

He smiles upon seeing Hope and I approaching him, leaning down to plant a soft kiss on Hope's forehead.

"Good Morning Danielle," he greets, placing a fried egg on toast up at the breakfast nook.

I walk over to the fridge, reaching to grab Hope's bottle, placing it next to my breakfast on the table. I lower Hope into her high chair, strapping her in tightly holding the bottle up to her mouth. She grasps hold of it instantly sucking on it, my hand hovering in case she dropped it.

I pulled my plate over and starting eating my breakfast listening out to a car pulling into the driveway.

"...mother's greatest shame. Now, finally, we have defeated her, giving her the choice she never thought to give us-- to live on as one of the monster's she created...Or, suffer the slow, agonizing death she so deserves."

I chuckle to myself at Nik's words, planting down the fork, turning to Hope taking the bottle from her. I lift her up, patting her back letting her burp over my shoulder, walking out of the front door onto the porch, Nik joining me cooing at our daughter.

"Camille, this is Hope."

Cami stands there her hand covering her mouth in shock, "Oh my god! But...You said...I thought she was...?"

Nik smiles, glancing up from Hope to me, "The only way to truly protect her was to convince the world of her death."

"Cami, I hope you understand that once it's safe for you to return to New Orleans that you won't breathe a word of this to anyone," I sincerely explain, kissing Nik softly on the cheek.

Cami nods enthusiastically, skipping over to see Hope. She holds out her hand and lets Hope grip hold of her finger, "Oh, she's perfect!"

I smile giggling at Cami.


I sit on Nik's lap as he reiterates what has been happening in New Orleans while I was away.

"Now that we've entombed our mother, I intend to finish making the city safe for Hope. Which, to start, means dealing with the lingering problem of Finn."

Smitten Storm ✨ Danielle Gilbert-Labonair [2]Where stories live. Discover now