Chapter [72]

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Danielle's PoV

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Danielle's PoV

I tug open the large oak doors to Marcel's fight gym, tossing my coat onto a nearby bench.

"So this is you taking me to school?" Cami comments with sarcasm.

I sigh, "There is a fight coming, Cami. That's what the prophecy says."

"And you're not gonna be much good to the home team if you're just standing around, waving a bunch of antiques," Hayley agrees.

Cami rolls her eyes pulling out a small wooden box, "Huh. You see this? This will paralyze anyone who tries to attack me."

"Great," I fake enthusiasm, "But....then what?"

"You need to learn how to defend yourself," Hayley settles.

"Come on, Dani, Hayley, everyone knows a baby vamp is borderline useless. Even Josh could wipe the floors with me. I need these."

"We're not saying you should throw them away," I explain looking around the room, "This used to be a church, right? And then it got condemned."

I walk around the room, "If Marcel hadn't seen the possibilities, someone would've bulldozed it and turned it into some generic chain store. It's still a church. But it's also something more......"

She looks at me with intrigue.

"......Hayley is a hybrid, a widow and an alpha. I'm an original hybrid, a mother and a queen."

Hayley nods picking up my trail of thoughts, "You are a psychologist, a bartender and, yes, you have some insane family legacy that comes with a bunch of cool toys, but..." She walks up to Cami, "If you don't embrace the fact that you're also a vampire now, you're gonna end up dead. For real, this time."

Cami look in annoyance and surprise at us, "You know, I'm not used to being on the receiving end of solid advice."

Hayley shrugs, "Well, you caught me on a good day."

"So now what?" Cami asks.

I grin, "You're gonna get into that ring and try to punch Hayley."


I watch from a far sitting on the bench observing Hayley trip Cami up shoving her against the chain fence.

"Again," I call out.

Cami turns around on her foot swinging at Hayley, who dodges with ease racing behind pinning Cami's arm to her back.

Smitten Storm ✨ Danielle Gilbert-Labonair [2]Where stories live. Discover now