Chapter [41]

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Danielle's PoV

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Danielle's PoV

I speed after Nik after our conversation with Aiden.

"Quite the romantic sentiment," Nik taunts appearing in front of Hayley and Jackson, who stood in front of a grave.

Jackson scowls at the sight of Nik, causing me to huff in annoyance.

I spot Nik smile, "I wonder, however, if I might impose on this lovely tableau long enough to have a word with Hayley."

Jackson turns to Hayley hesitant, so I choose this as my opportune moment to intervene.

"He won't hurt her," I inform stepping over some foliage standing into the view of the others.

Nik clenches his jaw looking at me angrily, "What are you doing here?"

I roll my eyes, "You forget that this concerns me to."

Hayley turns to Jackson, "It's okay," she squeezes his hand, "Go ahead. I'll meet you back at Mary's."

Jackson reluctantly disappears into the trees clearly bee lining for Mary's shack.

Nik folds his arms, leaning against a tree, "Have you lost your mind?" He yells incredulously, "Are you seriously considering this preposterous truth-telling idiocy?"

Hayley nods, "Yes I do."

"And you?" Nik questions me.

I shrug, "Actually, I'm kind of on the fence."

Nik scowls, "Well, allow me to make this simple for both of you....under no circumstances will either of you divulge any family secrets, especially none that would endanger Danielle and I's child!"

Hayley scoffs, "Except it's not that simple, Klaus. You saw what Finn did. He's growing more powerful by the day."

Nik turns away, obviously knowing that she has a point.

"Hayley's right, he currently controls over half of the wolves, there is a chance that this marriage could change that," I mutter, "Not to forget how many times he's almost succeeded in killing me."

Nik shakes his head, "The outcome of this strategy is not worth the risk it imposes on our daughter," he gestures himself and I.

Hayley sighs frustrated, "Look it's not a risk if I trust Jackson."

I bite my lip, "And I trust Hayley, after all she is my sister."

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