Chapter [73]

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Danielle's PoV

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Danielle's PoV

"You daggered Rebekah?" Freya inquires, "And you're just telling us now?"

Elijah sighs, "She sacrificed herself in order to protect us. And, to protect her, I've told Niklaus, and I'm telling you and Danielle. No one would have known Rebekah's whereabouts if Aurora had taken my life."

"The prophecy says you three will be felled by friend, family, and foe. Rebekah was fallen by family," Freya recalls, "That leaves friend and foe. You and Klaus have a lot of foes."

"Just one or two," Elijah smiles.

I roll my eyes.

"Thankfully, not many friends," Freya let's out a relieving breathe.

I turn on my foot hearing Nik enter the room with someone I was not expecting to ever see again.

"Freya, this is Stefan Salvatore, an old friend."

I jump with excitement rushing into Stefan's awaiting arms, "Stefan!"

"Dani!" He exclaims, "It seems a lot has changed since we last met."

Nik intervenes, "And you can both talk about it, all you want later."

"Stefan, this is Freya, my brand-new older sister," Nik introduces looking back at Freya, "Stefan needs a favour."

"You're an old "friend," are you?" Freya narrows her eyes at Stefan.

Stefan awkwardly rubs the back of his neck, "Well... That kind of depends on your definition."

I chuckle, "Come on. Let's take this into the living room upstairs."

We enter the room taking a seat on the sofa. I watch Stefan unbutton his shirt to reveal an X-shaped wound on his shoulder.

"Bloody hell!" I mutter in surprise, "What is that?"

Stefan laughs, "You sound just like them."

"Perks of living with Brits I suppose," I cross my arms peering at the wound, "So how did you get this?"

"Rayna Cruz's sword."

"Rayna who?"

"To sum it up a huntress who hunts vampires trapping their souls in a blood stone."

Smitten Storm ✨ Danielle Gilbert-Labonair [2]Where stories live. Discover now