Chapter [60]

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Danielle's PoV

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Danielle's PoV

I stand leaning against the wall watching Freya light dozens of candles.

Hayley furrows her eyebrows, "So, where is Klaus?"

Freya sighs in exhaustion, "When I told him about Rebekah, he said he'd pursue another lead."

I roll my eyes, "Yeah with Aurora no doubt."

Elijah exhales sharply lifting up Freya's athame slicing his hand, dripping blood in a bronze bowl upon the table, "Forget Niklaus."

He tugs a handkerchief from his pocket wiping his hand clean looking to Freya, "You will find her."

"Now, you sure you got enough ju-ju for a world-wide locator spell?" Marcel asks warily.

Freya narrows her eyes determinedly, "She's my family. I won't lose her."

She takes a deep breathe dipping her hands in the bowl of blood, "Le six ce strul no cruv. Le six ce strul no cruv."

I observe her pour the blood onto Africa.

"Le six ce strul no cruv."

I blink in confusion when the blood just spreads across the whole map.


Hayley sighs, "Well, so much for witch-GPS."

"I assumed they'd cloaked her," Freya admits, "I didn't expect a spell this strong."

Elijah glances between us anxiously, "No doubt conjured by the very witch who lured Rebekah into this trap."

Freya shakes her head in frustration, "You should all go. I have my work cut out for me."

Marcel turns to Elijah, "The Strix trust me. If they know where Rebekah is, I can find her."

"There's no time. You need to stop Davina from activating Lucien and Tristan's weapon," Elijah walks away.

"We need to find Rebekah!" Marcel exclaims.

Elijah groans impatiently, "Marcel, I will not rest until my sister is found."

Marcel pauses reluctantly nodding his head, "All right. I'll handle Davina."

He speeds out of the attic.

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