Chapter [88]

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Danielle's PoV

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Danielle's PoV

I sit next to Nik on the couch, Hope sat in her father's lap will I write humming to myself.

"What better life might have awaited you, were another man your father?" Nik whispers to our daughter.

He sighs glancing between Hope and I, "All those who have loved me, have lived to regret it. But I do know this, my littlest wolf, I will do right by you. Your mother and your unborn sibling."

I smile to my self, folding up the parchment I was writing upon slipping it into the draw of the oak desk.

"What do you want, Elijah?" Nik growls lowly.

I look over to see Elijah standing in the doorway to the room.

"I'm not foolish enough to ask your forgiveness," Elijah expresses honestly, "So I'll say it again.....I had no choice. We protect this family at any cost."

Nik glares at his brother, "You think I'm not aware how heavy that burden is?"

"No," Elijah mumbles, "I think that this time.....that burden is simply too much to bear."

Nik goes silent.

I offer a small smile to Elijah, "Maybe you should go."

He nods leaving the room.

I stand up lifting Hope out of Nik's arms, "I understand the loss of Marcel, but don't allow your brother's actions to loose him too."

Nik sighs placing his warm hand over my abdomen, rubbing it affectionately, "We need to stay strong together."

I pull him up, squeezing his hand tightly, "Always and Forever."

He smiles leaning forward to press a kiss upon my lips.

"We've got a problem!" Kol bursts into the room.

I quickly follow the brothers into the other room cradling Hope to my chest.

"Freya's tracking your sirelines now. So it won't be long which works for me," Kol grins happily, sorrow flooding his eyes, "I could use a good fight."

Elijah shakes his head, "Well, we do have an advantage. No vampire may enter this stronghold as long as the deed remains in Freya's name."

Smitten Storm ✨ Danielle Gilbert-Labonair [2]Where stories live. Discover now