Chapter [71]

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Danielle's PoV

"I think this city's finest could try a little bit harder, hmm?" I hear Nik scowl at a policeman.

I walk behind Freya and Elijah towards Nik, blinking in annoyance when I see Nik holding the policeman by the throat over the balcony in the courtyard.

"I see we're in for another normal Mikaelson breakfast," Freya sighs.

I roll my eyes.

"Niklaus, for Heaven's sakes!" Elijah narrows his eyes, "Release the poor creature."

Nik shrugs letting go of the policeman's neck allowing him to fall to the courtyard floor.

I shake my head angrily, "That's not what he meant!"

Nik walks past us, "He'll live! And he'll remember to do better."

"Is all this torture necessary?" Freya asks as we all enter the study.

I breathe in Marcel's scent letting out a deep sigh.

Nik look into the hallway, "Where have you been?"

Marcel glares at Nik, "I was making sure that the Strix and their witches are out trying to find your loony ex-girlfriend. Is that okay by you?"

"Gentlemen, please."

"All of our heads are on the chopping block because he and Dani lost the one thing that can kill an Original."

I scoff loudly.

"It's not their fault that Cami was waving the white oak around like a kite, or that Aurora made a deal with one of your witches," Freya defends us

"Oh, yeah, it is--"

Nik cuts Marcel off, "I'm quite capable of defending myself, thank you, Freya. What I cannot do is cast a spell to find Aurora."

I step forward placing a hand on Nik's chest preventing him from advancing on Marcel or Freya.

"Aurora is cloaked. Most likely by the very witch she killed. I have been working nonstop every day."

"Well, you've stopped working now, haven't you?" Nik relents, "Well, go on. On your way."

Freya stares at him, "Do you talk to our other sister like this?"

Smitten Storm ✨ Danielle Gilbert-Labonair [2]Where stories live. Discover now