Chapter [32]

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Danielle's PoV

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Danielle's PoV

Hayley and I arrive at the crypt spotting Oliver there waiting with Lenore.

I look at Hayley who breaks the chains binding Lenore, while I approach Oliver.

"They worked her over pretty good," he states.

"We need to get her out of here," I reply.

Oliver looks at me panicked, "Huh? Then what? They'll know that I let her go! Look, you asked me to infiltrate Cassie's coven, I'm not gonna blow my cover for some has-been hippie-witch!"

It goes silent, before I grin at him.

"I guess we could always make it look like you got jumped? Tell Cassie that Lenore got rescued by her people?" I propose.

Oliver rolls his eyes, "Let me guess, you, uh, wanna beat the hell out of me? Make it look convincing?"

I laugh, "Well, I can't say I wouldn't enjoy it!"

"Okay, just... just not the face, okay?" He asks.

I roll my eyes hitting him hard in the face, knocking him out straightaway.

Lenore rushes over to him, "He'll be fine, I promise."

"What's your dog in this fight? You're not a Mikaelson," she asks.

"I sort of am... in spirit," I explain, "She is my sister."

I point over to Hayley.

Lenore nods, but stares at me in shock, "The werewolf mother?"

I give her a small smile, "Turned witch-rescuer, apparently. Listen, can we do this spell, or not?"

Lenore smiles, "After what that bitch and her lackey did to me? I'll do any spell that you want!"

She walks out of the crypt, Hayley and I following her.


We arrive at Lenore's shop, and she starts preparing the spell in her back room.

I watch her setting up a small cauldron, before handing her the bag containing the python Gia had collected for us.

"So, will this take long?" Hayley asks.

Smitten Storm ✨ Danielle Gilbert-Labonair [2]Where stories live. Discover now