Chapter [65]

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Danielle's PoV

"Hope, don't eat that," I say attempting to stop her from gnawing on the little wooden knight Nik had carved Rebekah when they were younger, "God knows how many germs are on that."

She giggles turning away from me.

Hayley walks into the room, "You ready to go?"

I sigh looking up at her, "Am I the world's worst mother for letting my teething toddler gnaw on something that's been around for a millennium?"

Hayley chuckles as Hope puts the knight into a mug before taking it out again, "Hope's tough. I think she can take it. Are you okay?"

"Oh, well, people trying to murder me is becoming a daily occurrence," I say shrugging my shoulders. 

"We'll get up," Hayley grins, "I've got something to show you and Hope."

Sighing I climb to me feet, lifting Hope to my hip who clings to the wooden knight, approaching the staircase.
My face lights up when I see my family standing in the courtyard surrounding a large Christmas tree with glowing decorations.

Nik looks up with a bright smile greeting Hope and I at the bottom of the staircase.

Hayley pats my shoulder, "I heard you earlier with Hope, you wished for a happy family Christmas."

Nik reaches for my hand, "Our family is all here."

I gasp with happiness, "It's perfect."

Nik leans down pressing his lips to Hope's forehead, "Merry Christmas, little one."

I take a glass of wine from Cami, who cooes over Hope.

"Thank you, For helping Freya," Nik toasts to Jackson and Hayley, "Unfortunately, we're all out of mason-jar moonshine."

I chuckle kneeling down to the presents under the tree, opening a small box.

"Look Hope," I hold up a Red bauble with her initials on, "Let's hang it on the Christmas tree."

I stand to my feet gently holding the bauble, our two hands placing it onto a branch.

Hope giggles waving the wooden knight around in her other hand before leaning into my chest.

"Well, Nik, you are positively merry tonight!" Rebekah exclaims glancing happily at Cami, "All that therapy must be paying off."

Smitten Storm ✨ Danielle Gilbert-Labonair [2]Where stories live. Discover now