Chapter [61]

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Danielle's PoV

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Danielle's PoV

I pick at my food listening to Lucien make small talk.

"It's a bit odd, isn't it? Celebrating an American holiday?" He mutters glancing at me.

I roll my eyes.

Elijah smiles, "Well, you know, Lucien, I rather enjoy Thanksgiving. The turkey, the cranberry sauce... The lies, the deceit, the betrayal... Perhaps we should begin this evening's proceedings with a little confession?"

He gestures to the food, "And do help yourselves."

Arorua pouts, "So, this entire dinner is meant to be some boorish inquisition? How rude."

Nik pulls up a smirk, "Nonsense, love! My brother merely wishes to make certain we're all on the same page. So, who would like to begin?"

Everyone remains silent.

"Well, Lucien and I have always loathed each other. Had we arrived as allies with a bleak future, you would have doubted us," Tristan explains, "We sought to remove suspicion by maintaining appearances."

Elijah rolls his eyes, "Oh, my dear. These pathetic lies promise to be as difficult to swallow as your stuffing this year, Niklaus," He sighs dramatically, "Walnuts, honestly."

Nik laughs loudly while I crack a smile.

"The bottom line is, we came to protect you ourselves. We have never wavered on this point," Lucien admits.

Nik gazes at him skeptically, "And the bodies on my that your protection as well?"

Lucien shrugs, "It's business as usual for The Strix."

Tristan nods, "An old tactic, used often and to great success. Jack the Ripper, Son of Sam... A frightened human populace is that much easier to control. If tourism should decline, and the local vampires are deprived of fresh blood? Well, you saw how quickly Marcel joined our ranks."

"Pedestrian," Nik rolls his eyes, "I would've expected more from such gaudy theatrics."

"Well, if one wanted to obtain a certain item in, say, a private collection, but one was not invited into the home where said private collection was located, a police investigation could come in handy to remove those items as evidence," Lucien rambles.

"I take it you are referring to the medallion?" Eliajh queries.

Tristan glances at his sister, "I suppose it was my sister who shared that bit of information?"

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