Chapter [83]

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Danielle's PoV

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Danielle's PoV

"Dani!" I jolt awake hearing a breathless voice yell loudly, "Dani! Klaus!"

I sit up abruptly running out to the balcony looking over the courtyard of the compound, "Cami....."

Nik appears at her side immediately, while I run down the stairs to them.

"What is it?" Nik asks.

Cami looks between us, "Something happened and you're both going to be angry, but Lucien wants you to be angry. He's trying to lure Klaus into a trap."

"What did he do?" I question trying to catch her eyes, only to find he avoiding my gaze.

"Promise me neither of you will fly off the handle and do something crazy," Cami expresses, "Promise me."

Nik glances down at Cami's arm, gently pulling up the sleeve to reveal a large bite.

My eyes widen, "Cami!"

She reaches for my hands squeezing them tightly, "Don't lose it......I love you guys. And I won't let you get yourselves killed."

I gasp as she falls into my arms unconscious.

"You're not dying today Cami," I firmly reply lifting her up in my arms.


I glance over at Cami who sits on the sofa, her face extremely pale.

"Cami," I call out trying to get her attention, "Cami...."

I walk over touching her shoulder, "Hey, are you okay?"

She looks at me numbly, "Yeah. Considering."

Nik turns around from Freya handing me a cloth and open jar, "Dani use this."

I sigh taking it, "Hold still, Cami. This is probably going to burn."

I quickly press it to her skin holding it in place while Cami squirms under my grip gasping in pain.

"Ow!" Cami complains, "What is that?"

Freya sits on the other side of Cami, "It's a healing salve. Motherwort, white willow bark, the recipes over a thousand years old."

Cami smiles brightly, "So the good stuff, huh?"

"It will ease the pain, dull the symptoms, but it won't stop the infection."

Smitten Storm ✨ Danielle Gilbert-Labonair [2]Where stories live. Discover now